Who we are

Dr Mike Cassidy


Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham, UK. Research visiting fellow at the University of Oxford, UK Research affiliate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge, UK.

Mike is a lecturer and a passionate campaigner for increased awareness and action to reduce the risk from volcanic eruptions to society. He has studied previous large magnitude volcanic eruptions to understand the underlying causes for explosivity, their precursors, and how best to monitor them in the future. Mike has been involved in various charities all of his adult life, led diversity, and inclusivity campaigns, and written and edited policy reports to the UK government on a range of science topics.

Dr Lara Mani


Senior Research Associate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge, UK. 

Lara Mani is a Senior Research Associate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) at the University of Cambridge. Her research seeks to understand the efficacy of various communication methods and strategies for gaining traction for the mitigation and prevention of global catastrophic risks (GCRs). With a background in volcanic risk studies, Lara's research at CSER also explores the global catastrophic risks from volcanic eruptions and specifically the systemic risks they pose to humanity. 

Board of Trustees

Dr Jonathan Stone

Jonathan leads the teams responsible for Climate, Environment, Resilience and Urban at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). He is passionate about social justice, and the impact of local action driven by volunteers.  His most formative work was time spent with communities who are living with the constant risk of volcanic (and other) disasters in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Small Island Developing States. 


Jonathan has worked on community-based disaster risk management as a researcher, with NGOs and as a donor at the UK government. Leading field teams in humanitarian responses, Jonathan’s passion grew for rethinking funding, governance and programmes in ways that put the last first. 


Outside of work, Jonathan has a 4 year old son, a partner who works on climate, and enjoys spending his time running.

Margaret Grieve

Margaret (Peggy) Grieve is President of PMG Management, Inc., a private company responsible for the Grieve family office. She is passionate about the underappreciated existential risk posed to the world’s climate by explosive volcanoes and the catastrophic impact on our interconnected and technologically dependent world. She brings years of experience as an international lawyer advising on global corporate and investment banking, securities trading, and corporate governance. She was the first general counsel of Chase Securities and the first woman general counsel for Barclays Bank in the Americas. President Clinton appointed her to serve on the Board of the Central Asia American Enterprise Fund, and she now chairs its legacy charitable institution, the Central Asia Education Foundation. Peggy serves on the Board of Directors for the Child Mind Institute, The Advocates for Human Rights, and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, each a leading institution in its field. She has a masters degree in public policy from the Humphrey School of Public Policy at the University of Minnesota. With Dr. Friedmann-Sanchez, she is the author of Comisarias de Familia y violencia contras las mujeres en Colombia: Puerta de acceso y retos institucionales.

Dr James Dalziel

James is Earth Risk Research Lead for insurance broker and risk advisory firm WTW. Within their Research Network, James works with a range of industrial and academic partners on collaborative projects relating to horizon scanning, risk modelling and validation for geohazards including volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide and tsunami. He holds a BSc in Geology, an MSc in Volcanology and Geological Hazards, and a Research Masters in Geology with a project focus on Volcano-seismology and ground deformation.

Sir Steve Sparks

Steve Sparks is Emeritus Professor of Geology in the School of Earth Sciences at Bristol University. His research concerns volcanic and igneous processes and he has made contributions in petrology, physical volcanology, fundamental fluid mechanics, sedimentology, and in hazard and risk assessment methods. He has been involved in providing scientific advice and risk assessments for active volcanoes, inclduing the 1995-2010 erruption of the Soufruere Hills Volcano Montserrat. He was one of several international Scientists who formed the Global Vocano Model (GVM) in 2011 as an international platform for volcanology information. He was one of the leaders of the Global Volcanic Hazards and Risk assessment published in 2015 under the auspices of UNISDR. He was past President of IAVCEI (1999-2003).

Daniel Reyland

Daniel is a Chartered Security Professional and independent consultant in the risk and security domain. With an amateur interest in volcanoes and a professional interest in addressing risk, Daniel is committed to applying his expertise in countering malicious risks to the area of natural disasters.

 He brings extensive experience as a former senior Army Bomb Disposal Officer, specialising in addressing the high-consequence but low-likelihood risks posed by the use of CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) weapons. This included working in several different government departments to address these potentially catastrophic risks.

Daniel brings over a decade of trustee experience. He holds master’s degrees from Cambridge and Cranfield Universities and is a Fellow of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management and the Chartered Management Institute.

Dr Erouscilla Joseph

Dr. Joseph is a Caribbean volcanologist involved in the study of emissions (gas and waters) associated with active volcanic systems. She has been associated with the Seismic Research Centre (SRC) for the past 17 years, first as a graduate student and then as a member of staff. Dr. Joseph also provides scientific and administrative support in monitoring efforts at the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO) including Duty Scientist, Ground Deformation Monitoring, Dome Volume Monitoring, and Gas Monitoring. At the SRC she is responsible for the geothermal monitoring program, which involves the collection and analysis of volcanic gases and geothermal waters in the islands of the Lesser Antilles, and its application to monitoring changes in volcanic activity. Her other research interests include the study of the hazards and impact of persistently degassing volcanoes and the use of low-cost technology for the monitoring of volcanic emissions; and the behaviour of the magmatic component in volcanic gases.

Scientific Advisory Committee

Dr Pablo Forte

Pablo Forte Is a geologist CONICET researcher at the Argentine Volcanic Surveillance Observatory (OAVV), SEGEMAR, Argentina. In addition, he is an assistant professor in the Geology department at the University of Buenos Aires and the president of the Latin American Volcanology Association (ALVO) for the period 2023-2024.

Dr Diana Roman

Diana Roman is currently an H.O. Wood Chair of Seismology in Carnegie’s Earth and Planets Laboratory, and has been a Carnegie Staff Scientist since 2011. Her research straddles the boundary between volcanology and seismology, with a dual focus on understanding the nature of magma ascent and eruption and of volcanic microearthquake swarms. Specifically, she works to understand, from a mechanical perspective, the formation, evolution, and dynamics of crustal magmatic systems and the source mechanisms and causes of microearthquake swarms occurring in the vicinity of active volcanoes. These two lines of research are tied together through the development of conceptual and numerical models of the interaction of tectonic and volcanic processes. Dr. Roman was a co-author of the 2017 U.S. National Academy Consensus Report "Volcanic Eruptions and Their Repose, Unrest, Precursors, and Timing". Since 2016, Dr. Roman has co-led the SZ4D Initiative (www.sz4d.org), a planned decadal-scale effort to understand fundamental processes underlying Earth’s largest geohazards. Since 2019, Dr. Roman has also served as an Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

Dr Andrew Tupper

Dr Tupper’s career began with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, working in aviation forecasting, climate information, computing, and operations leadership in tropical meteorology. He then specialised in the science and operations of the International Airways Volcano Watch, the international system to keep aircraft passengers safe from volcanic clouds. Dr Tupper then became the Bureau’s Northern Territory Manager, then the head of the National Operations Centre in Melbourne (where he was also the co-director of Australia’s Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre), and then the Bureau’s State Manager for Victoria.  Since becoming an independent consultant in 2020, Dr Tupper has mainly worked in multi-hazard early warning system projects, and has a particular interest in encouraging cross-disciplinary interactions. 

Dr Tupper has managed many operational tropical cyclone, flood, severe thunderstorm, volcanic eruption, tsunami, and bushfire events, as well as representing Australia in warnings policy development and science advisory roles at the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organisation and World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). He was also a co-chair of the World Organization of Volcano Observatories between 2005-2011. Dr Tupper holds a BSc (Hons) and PhD in meteorology and also the Australian Institute of Company Directors course diploma.

Alice Paine

Alice is a PhD Student at the University of Oxford, interested in volcanology, paleoclimatology, and paleoenvironmental science. Her work to date has primarily focused on developing and using geochemical proxies sourced from records such as stalagmites, ice cores, and lake sediments to refine timescales of local, regional, and global changes over the past 100,000 years of Earth’s history. On a broader scale, the goal of Alice's work is to develop an integrated, multi-disciplinary perspective of climate change on Earth: one that unifies and integrates diverse concepts from paleoclimatology, anthropology, volcanology, oceanography, and geochemistry, provides a foundation from which the drivers of abrupt climate change can be better understood, and aid effective preparations for the future. 

Dr Karen Fontijn

Karen Fontijn is an associate professor in volcanology and mineralogy at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. She previously held research positions at Ghent University, Nanyang Technological University, and the University of Oxford. Her research is focused on reconstructing the history of past eruptions at poorly known volcanoes, to better understand their future potential hazards. She particularly specialises in volcanoes in eastern Africa but has also worked on volcanoes in Indonesia, the Philippines, Chile, and Argentina. She is co-founder of the IAVCEI – International Network of Volcanology Collaboration (INVOLC), which aims to increase the representation of volcano scientists worldwide on a global research platform.

Dr Matt Prichard

Matt Pritchard is a Professor of Geophysics and Director of the Institute for the Study of Continents at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, USA.  He is passionate about expanding the use of satellite data to monitor volcanoes and growing the number of users of these data through international training workshops and initiatives like the Committee for Earth Observation Satellites Global Volcano Early Warning and Eruption Response (G-VEWERS) project to strategically prioritize repeat coverage at all ~1400 subaerial Holocene age volcanoes in the world.  Matt was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., physics) and the California Institute of Technology (MS & Ph.D., geophysics), and was a Harry Hess Postdoctoral Scholar at Princeton University.  During 2016 and 2019, he was a Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professor at the University of Bristol, UK. 

Dr Nico Fournier

Nico heads volcano monitoring in Aotearoa New Zealand at Te Pū Ao GNS Science. He has worked in volcano monitoring organisations for the past 20 years and has led response or has been heavily involved a large number of volcanic crises, humanitarian responses and volcano capability building efforts around the world, with a more recent focus on the SW Pacific. 

He is a member of the Montserrat Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) for the UK-FCDO, of the NZ Emergency Management Assistance Team (EMAT), and has held editorial roles for international journals over the past decades. Nico's favourite breakfast is black coffee, no sugar. 

Prof Carina Fearnley

Carina Fearnley is Professor of Warnings and Science Communication at the Department of Science and Technology Studies, UCL, and Director and Founder of the UCL Warning Research Centre (WRC), the only such dedicated facility in the world. Carina is an interdisciplinary researcher, drawing on relevant expertise in the social sciences on scientific uncertainty, risk, and complexity to focus on how natural hazard early warning systems can be made more effective, specifically alert level systems. 

Prof Jenni Barclay

Jenni is the AXA Chair in Volcanology in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol. Jenni is a volcanologist interested in all aspects of disaster risk reduction in volcanic settings. This currently includes research on the following topics, primarily working in the Caribbean and South America: (1) equitable access to and sharing of hazard knowledge; (2) volcanic processes and their monitoring; (3) cultural and social responses to volcanic activity and their role in growing resilience; (4) citizen science and (5) volcanoes and their multihazard environment.

Dr Susanna Jenkins

Susanna is an Associate Professor in the Asian School of the Environment at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Susanna's research focuses on volcanic hazard and risk assessment. Her background is in Geology and Geophysical Hazards. 

Dr Mirzam Abdurrachman

Mirzam is a lecturer in the Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology at the Bandung Institute of Technology.


Rachel Roxborough

Rachel is a strategic consultant for charities, business and not-for-profits. With over 20 years in the sector, her knowledge, experience, and intelligent approach has contributed to successful strategies, including transforming service delivery, measuring impact, sustainable fundraising models and brand awareness.

She began her career at Cancer Research UK, heading up Race for Life in its infancy, to becoming a ÂŁ60m brand. She has held various charitable CEO roles for youth-focused charities, including being the inaugural CEO for Dallaglio RugbyWorks setting up this award-winning charity to utilise the power of sport to engage disaffected young people, and also with employability skills charity Working Options in Education.

As a strategic consultant she advises charities, particularly startups, and companies with a broad roster of clients such as such as KFC UK & Ireland, the Good Business Festival, Carers Worldwide and Votes for Schools.

Rachel is a mentor for Leaders Plus and Livity. and is Chair of the Board for Trekstock.

Pablo Suarez

Pablo Suarez is a system dynamics modeler turned humanitarian worker, innovator, game designer, and creator of serious-yet-fun processes for collaborative processes to inspire thinking and action. He is innovation lead at the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and artist in residence at the National University of Singapore. Pablo holds a water engineering degree, a master’s in planning, and a Ph.D. in geography.  

Alex Millington-Jung

Alex is a venture-building consultant specialising in international development and social enterprises. He currently leads the Cultivator Programme at the Centre for Global Equality, providing long-term support and collaboration opportunities to UK-based social entrepreneurs. His expertise spans all aspects of entrepreneurship, from ideation and development to scaling, impact strategies and measurements, and daily operations.

Like all good venture-building advisors, he has a varied background. Alex's academic roots are in Earth Sciences. He transitioned into engineering, where he grew an Accelerate Programme within an engineering consultancy, before moving into the tech-for-good space and mission-led venture-building. He has contributed to and advised on over ten venture-building programmes, including the Royal Academy of Engineering's Leaders in Innovation, Greentech Alliance, and Startupbootcamp.

Janot Mendler de Suarez

Janot Mendler de Suarez is a climate risk policy advisor, humanitarian practitioner, game designer and expert facilitator. A Visiting Research Fellow with Boston University’s Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future and Technical Advisor with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, she has worked in over 75 countries. Janot spent over a decade developing GEF-IW:LEARN, the Global Environment Facility’s International Waters knowledge-sharing platform, and as a Senior Lecturer in Geography at Royal Holloway University of London piloted the first internet-mediated MSc program targeting young developing country environmental professionals. With a BA at Mt. Holyoke College in Biological Sciences and Political Science and Master’s from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Janot has studied at the Ecole du Louvre, University of Nairobi and Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service.  She serves on the Town of Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, Wayland Housing Partnership, and Wayland Interfaith Leaders Association.